49 Cashmore Park Nudie ewe, 1.5yr and 2.5y old (J/J drop 22 & 23). All weighed to average 63.5kg full. They were drenched on the 10/06/24 with Triple combination, and were OJD vaccinated as lambs. The Blue tags were not joined last year, and all of the red tags raised a lamb which were weaned on the 6/10. All ewes were mouthed and uddered at assessment. The vendors have been using Cashmore Park Nudies for 7 years. As seen in the photos a lot of the ewes have tails and a couple of the younger ewes have been shorn. 10% of the flock is shorn each year, majority are young ewes. High quality young ewes that are surplus to requirement. The vendors spare no expense on rams, selecting for shedding, growth, EMA and FWEC. Low cost ewes that present is great condition.
100% Cashmore Nudie / Cashmore Nudie