Carnham are offering 200 pure nudie ewe lambs that are excess to needs, these are the real deal. Sired by cashmore and low footprint nudies rams out of ex stud ewes sourced from cashmore and low footprint studs and commercial breeders Kuch family out of Gippsland. So this can guarantee you are getting the best genetics the industry can offer. A great opportunity to secure some productive southern maternal shedding sheep that handle southern wet and harsh conditions. Vendor has a big emphasis on fertility positive pfat, pemd and negative worm tolerance.These are a run out the gate of classed in breeders, with a weaning rate of 145%. On the right nutrition I have no doubt these ewe lambs will reach joining weight with ease in the new year.
Vendor is offering 1 other lot in same sale.
1/7/2024 to 7/8/2024 drop